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The Plant-Based Boost, Nutrition Solutions for Athletes and Exercise Enthusiasts Press Release


New Book Proves We Don’t Need Meat to Support Athletic Performance


Pasadena, CA, September 20, 2019 – In her new book, Melissa Halas, MA, RDN, CDE brings together her two decades of experience working as a Registered Dietitian to teach athletes and exercise enthusiasts how to boost their athletic performance with plant-based foods. The Plant-Based Boost, Nutrition Solutions for Athletes and Exercise Enthusiasts simplifies the science and avoids jargon without sparing detail and information. The book is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble, $25.95 (paperback) and $33.95 (hardcover).

The Plant-Based Boost aggregates all the latest research on sports nutrition to provide a complete resource for any active individual, competitive athlete, nutrition professional, or nutrition professor. Although it is plant-forward, the book is equally useful for omnivores, vegetarians, and vegans. It explains how those at a higher level of fitness and everyday exercisers can uniquely benefit from the powerful phytonutrients and anti-inflammatory components of plant foods, and how they can look great while decreasing age-related diseases. Included in the book are customizable fueling techniques for before, during, and after exercise that include:

  • Easy-to-understand charts and tips including nutrition values for specific foods
  • Well-balanced meal plans to boost plant-based proteins for omnivore, vegetarian, and vegan eating
  • Special nutrition considerations for vegetarians and vegans
  • Protein quality and dosing, with leucine recommendations to maximize muscle protein synthesis
  • Types and amounts of carbohydrates to target
  • The benefits of healthy fats
  • Fluid and electrolyte strategies for adequate hydration
  • Performance-boosting phytochemicals
  • Effective ergogenic aids and common athletic supplements
  • Fad diets debunked, with healthy eating patterns to focus on
  • Plant-based training plate visuals for athletes

For simple and delicious ways to fuel workouts, Melissa Halas created a companion recipe book, The Plant-Based Boost Cookbook, 100+ Recipes for Athletes and Exercise Enthusiasts, available on Barnes and Noble, $23.95 with free and timely shipping.

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“This book gives you the why and how when it comes to incorporating more plant-based foods into your diet, with easy to follow meal plans and strategies. As a sports dietitian working with collegiate and professional athletes, there is a physical benefit that many of my athletes feel when they begin to incorporate more plant-based foods, whether they are in the form of carbs, protein or fat. This book breaks down the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits by macronutrient and color groups and leaves the reader with activities to assess their own diets and to understand where they could potentially improve. If you’ve heard about the benefits of eating more plant-based foods but are unsure of how to add them into your diet, this is the book for you.”

– Erin Kratzer, MS, RDN, LDN, Collegiate and professional sports dietitian

“This evidence-based book comes at the perfect time, as the interest in fueling performance with plant-based foods is gaining popularity. The research supporting a plant-forward diet for improving health is well-accepted, but many athletes are unsure of how plant-proteins will support their fitness goals and training. The information is in an easy-to-understand format and takes a deep dive into plant-based proteins, answering one of the most common concerns athletes have – how can they get all of the essential amino acids to fuel for sport. It is a comprehensive guide for any athlete looking to follow a plant-based lifestyle, and includes how antioxidant and phytonutrient-rich plants benefit training and recovery. Athletes and exercise enthusiasts can now put this information into practice with confidence to follow a plant-based diet for overall health, training and excelling at sports.”

– Heather Mangieri, RDN, CSSD, Sports Dietitian and Author of Fueling Young Athletes

About the Author:

Melissa Halas, MA, RDN, is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with over 20 years of diverse experience in nutrition education, nutrition counseling, curriculum development, clinical care, clinical trials, media, and writing. She just released 3 new books that target both children and adults. For 18 years she taught functional foods, sports nutrition, and other courses, which developed her love for more than one specialty while offering a rewarding and diverse career in nutrition. Melissa is the current media representative for the California Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the parent nutrition expert for the People.com’s online magazine, and a past panel expert on Childhood Obesity for TedMed. When she’s not working, she’s enjoying an active lifestyle which includes her favorite fitness activity, hiking. She provides sports nutrition counseling through Melissa’s Healthy Living, is the founder of SuperKids Nutrition, and currently lives in Pasadena, CA.

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