Try these screen-free activities with toddlers, kids, and the rest of the family. They’ll be helpful as the weather gets warmer and the world starts to open up.
As your iPhone may have mentioned: “Your screen time is up 89% from last week.” I wouldn’t be surprised if screen time is at an all time high for nearly everyone – adults included. But, technology isn’t the only activity to do at home. Check out these tips on how to have screen-free fun with the whole family.
Get Crafty
Grab the glue, colored pencils, popsicle sticks, and sparkles. Your kids will be super excited that mom or dad is getting messy with them. Perhaps make a scrapbook, vision board, or collage. Maybe it’s finally your chance to attempt your first ever Pinterest-DIY project. It’s a great way to bond with your kids and channel the creative side of your brain.
Be a Book Worm
While you may not consider your family to be the “reading type,” why not change that? It’s a great way to learn and spend time away from the household’s beloved family screens. Have your kids choose a book about any topic they please. It may spark a potential interest in reading, and provides a great learning opportunity. Whether it’s a comic book, sports magazine, or an entire encyclopedia, there is something to learn from all areas of literature. Support their choice and they may eventually not miss the extra video game time.

Break a Sweat
It’s important for both the body and the mind to get moving! Make your at-home workout video a family affair by including your children. If your regiment includes heavy resistance training, make some body-weight exercise substitutions for your youngsters. If you have a backyard, take advantage, and get some sunshine while you sweat! Screen-free activities can be enjoyable for everyone in the family. Try these simple ways to create family memories with outdoor games. Then head over to our free Summer Program for Kids and Camps. Complete one section each week for six weeks during summer, including our Get Active Week!
Stop Procrastinating
There are certain chores around the house that are avoided, no matter what the situation. Even a global apocalypse couldn’t get you to organize the basement. But, now that the world is a different place, it’s time for the family to pitch in. With a little extra help, big tasks become less daunting. After clearing out some space, the family can collectively decide what to do with it!
Develop a Skill
Learn a new language. Learn to sew. Learn how to draw. Learn how to properly wash a car! Learn how to paint – maybe even try a new test color on one wall of a room. The possibilities are endless. Make it a family activity and allow everyone to find a new skill that they would like to learn. Who knows, a few hidden talents may be discovered!
Get Musical
Whether it’s learning how to play a new instrument, or listening to your favorite artist, music is always a relaxing screen-free activity. Get a dance party going in the living room, and let loose! Or, have fun with the kids and turn your living room into a karaoke lounge!
Cook With the Family
If you are a Martha Stewart type, use this extra time to get your children involved in the cooking process. Teach them how to make basic meals, or secret family recipes. You kids will be filled with satisfaction knowing that they helped to make tonight’s family meal. But, if you are on the opposite spectrum, where the idea of cooking is more daunting than the dentist’s office, that’s okay! Use this time to try to learn the kitchen basics. Learn how to cook pasta, chop vegetables, and roast a chicken. Get your kids involved and make it a family affair. The Super Crew Breakfast Cookbook is filled with tasty, kid-approved recipes and over 100 fun nutrition activities! It’s never too late to learn.
Help Others
The COVID pandemic has put many families in financial hardship. So, if you are fortunate enough to have some extra supplies, take this opportunity to aid those in need. Have your children go through their closets to find clothes they don’t wear and toys that they don’t play with anymore. Leave your donated items in your front yard for the community to take home. Perhaps call the elderly neighbor to see if she is in need of any food or household items. If so, consider making a care package and dropping it off on their doorstep. A little help goes a long way.
The world has to be reminded that life did exist before iPhones, tablets, Netflix, and video games. It may take a little creativity, but there are plenty of ways to enrich family time without the help of technology. Use this time in quarantine to better yourself, and reconnect with your children. And, don’t forget to have fun with these screen-free summer activities!