Explore nutrition tips, kids’ meal plans, kids’ activities, recipes and more from pediatric nutritionist, Melissa Halas, MA, RDN, CDE.

Health Expert Interviews

Gain valuable insights and practical tips on how to eat and live healthfully from nutrition and health experts across the nation.

April Rudat, RD

We caught up with April Rudat, RD Nutrition Expert, breastfeeding advocate and author of Oh Yes You Can Breastfeed Twins! We wanted

Lauren Rezende, RD

Interview with Lauren Rezende, registered dietitian and Director of Nutrition at Healthy Dining. Lauren offers tips on how busy moms

Norma Stewart MEd, RD

We caught up with nutrition expert, Norma Stewart MEd, RD and author of Breakfast with Martians to get her insights on

Chris McCullum-Gómez, PhD, RD

Super Kids Nutrition caught up with mom of young twins, writer and nationally recognized food expert based in Houston, Texas, Chris

Jo-Ann Heslin, MA, CDN, RD

We caught up with nutrition expert and Registered Dietitian, Jo-Ann Heslin, MA, CDN, RD who has sold over 7 million books on

Jill Jayne

Learn about Rockstar Nutritionist Jill Jayne and how she’s impacted kids’ nutrition! We caught up with Rockstar Nutritionist Jill Jayne

Interview with Andrea Giancoli, MPH, RD

SuperKids Nutrition spoke with school nutrition and policy expert and spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association, Andrea Giancoli, MPH, RD

Dianne Fagan, RD, CDN

We caught up with nutrition expert Dianne Fagan, RD, CDN, who practices in New York focusing on children, teens and