Explore nutrition tips, kids’ meal plans, kids’ activities, recipes and more from pediatric nutritionist, Melissa Halas, MA, RDN, CDE.

Nutrition By Age

We cover nutrition for the whole life cycle starting at pregnancy all the way to college.

You’ll find practical tips on breastfeeding, preschool feeding tips, school-age nutrition concerns, meal plans across all age groups, and positive role modeling to be prepared no matter what stage of life your child is in!

Rethink That Drink

Teens, by nature, are very social. They thrive on “hanging out” with their friends at restaurants, juice bars, and coffee and

Building a Healthy Body Image

Body image is what you see when you look in the mirror or how you picture yourself looking to others. It

Teens, Weight and Self Esteem

Helping your teen build self-esteem and appreciate her body can be challenging, so follow these tips for guidance. How we

Children’s Choices of Beverages Today

The variety of beverages Americans, including children, drink has changed markedly in the past few decades. We’ve witnessed an explosion

Six Quick Meals Kids Love

Parents are always looking for new meal ideas that are quick and easy to fit their busy schedules. Here is

Teenagers Eating Out

Teenagers & Eating Out

Teenagers are known for eating out often, whether it is pizza after the football game, birthday parties, movie stand snacks, the