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Nutrition in the Garden

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Provides hands-on lessons for teaching children about nutrition through gardening and includes resources for starting school gardens.


This site provides tips on how to start a school garden including resources for funding and supplies for the promotion of healthy living. Nutrition and gardening ideas are provided for kids, parents and teachers including weekly lesson plans for K-12. The curriculum guide “Nutrition in the Garden” combine garden lessons with nutrition facts, which is an excellent way to learn the health benefits of plants.

Sample lesson plans:

Week 1: Plant life cycle,
Week 2: Floral design industry,
Week 3: The Food Guide Pyramid,
Week 4: Roots of Food

Week 1: Pressed Flowers,
Week 2: Nutrition,
Week 3: Composting,
Week 4: The Water cycle


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About the Author

Picture of Silje Mork Bjorndal, MS, RD

Silje Mork Bjorndal, MS, RD

Silje Mork Bjorndal is Registered Dietitian based in Fountain Valley, California. Silje currently works in clinical nutrition and has experience writing nutrition curriculum for children and adolescents.

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