Explore nutrition tips, kids’ meal plans, kids’ activities, recipes and more from pediatric nutritionist, Melissa Halas, MA, RDN, CDE.

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A Nutrition education website that provides children and parents with online interactive games and lesson plans, to learn more about nutrition.


This website is fun and interactive for parents as well as children between the ages of 4-8 years. It has an education page which leads parents and children to learn about nutrition through interactive activities. One activity features the “my pyramid” and ways to learn about different food groups. The site also has a resources page which provides parents with links to other helpful government website like Choose My Plate. There is a newsletter page that features a Registered Dietitian, Michelle Mirizzi, who addresses a specific nutrition topic for parents. There is also a blog for parents to communicate with one another and share experiences.

Sample Lesson Plans:

Recommended Grade Level: K – 3

  • Interactive Coloring Pages: Online interactive coloring with easy color selection using crayons. Pages offer the option to print and color offline or color and print.

Recommended Grade Level: 1 – 4

  • Matching Meals Nutrition: A memory game which is centered on the five different food groups. When the puzzle is completed a nutrition message is revealed. There are three levels
    of difficulty.
  • Food Pyramid Nutrition Puzzles: Jigsaw puzzles with nutrition messages. Puzzles offer a variety of difficulty.
  • Interactive Food Pyramid: Chef Solus teaches children about the food groups.

Recommended Grade Level: 2 – 5

  • Bon Appetite Arcade: A fun arcade game that requires creating a healthy, balanced meal in order to score points.

Be sure to visit our Fun Activities for Kids with the Super Crew®, which provide free printable learning activities for home and in the classroom.

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About the Author

Picture of Nazia Sadat, MS, MPH, RD, LDN

Nazia Sadat, MS, MPH, RD, LDN

Nazia is a registered and licensed dietitian nutritionist living in Illinois. After completion of her Masters degree in 2009, Nazia worked as a dietitian in Illinois. She now works as an Adjunct Professor, teaching Medical Nutrition Therapy and acting as a student advisor, at Dominican University in River Forest, IL.

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