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New Jersey Department of Agriculture

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A “race” designed to promote healthy choices when consuming school meals from the cafeteria. Program also includes activity component.


The Fuel Up with 5 curriculum is a “Race to Good Nutrition”. This K-6 program links classroom activities with cafeteria food experiences and parent education. The curriculum uses a car race to convey information while meeting the New Jersey Core Curriculum Standards for Comprehensive Health and Physical Education. The message conveyed is that people, just like cars, need high-quality fuel to run properly. Students move along the race track each time they consume all five components of their school lunch meal. For students who do not move along, “violation cards” (warning that the student may lose the race) are sent home identifying what food group the child is not consuming. For those who win each week, incentives reinforcing the week’s lesson are provided. In addition to the race, the curriculum reinforces healthy eating messages with age-appropriate activities for each food group. Plenty of background information for the educator is provided.

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About the Author

Picture of Solange Bushra Wasef, MS, RD

Solange Bushra Wasef, MS, RD

Solange Bushra Wasef, MS, RD is a registered dietitian and professor in the greater Los Angeles area. She is currently an Assistant Professor at Palomar College. Solange also has experience in nutrition writing, authoring presentations, creating weight-loss curriculum, weight counseling, and nutrition outreach through meal delivery programs for the homebound. Prior to teaching nutrition at the college level, she taught language arts and math to high school students.

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