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Explore nutrition tips, kids’ meal plans, kids’ activities, recipes and more from pediatric nutritionist, Melissa Halas, MA, RDN, CDE.


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Provides doctor-approved health information about children from before birth through adolescence including articles on healthy living written for kids.


KidsHealth provides families with accurate up-to-date information on staying healthy for kids, teens, and parents. The kid-friendly articles are categorized under “Being Good to Your Body”, “Fabulous Food”, “Keeping Fit and Having Fun” and, “KidsHealth Recipes for Kids”. Some articles are interactive whereas others provide video clips and pro-athlete interviews to highlight key health messages. Due to the advanced reading level the information is best suited for children grade 4 and above.

Sample articles

Kids’ Nutrition & Fitness Center: Includes information about nutrition, exercise, recipes, food guide pyramid and BMI calculator as well as interactive games.

Being a Fit Kid: Article encourages activity, a healthy diet, adequate liquid intake and limitation to passive activities like TV watching.

Kids Talk About: The New Food Guide Pyramid: Kids discuss the new pyramid and what each component means in language and concepts children can understand.

Body mass index: explains what it is, how the number is calculated, and what the numbers mean in terms of health.

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About the Author

Picture of Silje Mork Bjorndal, MS, RD

Silje Mork Bjorndal, MS, RD

Silje Mork Bjorndal is Registered Dietitian based in Fountain Valley, California. Silje currently works in clinical nutrition and has experience writing nutrition curriculum for children and adolescents.

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