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Healthy eating and activity articles and activities provided by teachers and RDs for K-12 educators.


This site provides classroom articles and activities for K-12 educators to promote healthy eating and active lifestyle messages in the classroom. Activities from online tools to making healthy cafeteria choices are covered. Each activity is headlined with a clearly defined outcome and some include content standards. Additionally, helpful teacher tips can be found on several activity sheets. Another feature of this site is that there are many teacher education articles, authored by RDs that cover age-relevant topics from eating disorders to navigating through fast foods choices. It is a great resource for both educators and parents to learn about nutrition.

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About the Author

Picture of Solange Bushra Wasef, MS, RD

Solange Bushra Wasef, MS, RD

Solange Bushra Wasef, MS, RD is a registered dietitian and professor in the greater Los Angeles area. She is currently an Assistant Professor at Palomar College. Solange also has experience in nutrition writing, authoring presentations, creating weight-loss curriculum, weight counseling, and nutrition outreach through meal delivery programs for the homebound. Prior to teaching nutrition at the college level, she taught language arts and math to high school students.

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