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Action for Healthy Kids

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Summary: A website based on a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the health of children nationwide.

Description: The website www.actionforhealthykids.org was designed as an online tool for the organization, “Action for Healthy Kids.” The non-profit organization works nationwide with schools to address obesity and undernourishment by focusing on nutrition, physical activity, and increasing children’s learning skills. The website provides overall information on the program and allows visitors to become a member of the Action for Healthy Kids team. By becoming a team member you can help the organization achieve their missions by improving children’s nutrition in your state. You can also join the team and receive an informational update newsletter.

The “State by State Action” page allows users to find information and resources for each state in the U.S. Statistics, ways to get involved, updates on conferences, and reports can be found for any state of your interest. The “Resources to Improve Schools” provides resources to help initiate curriculum such as after-school programs and school wellness policies. This organization offers an excellent opportunity to take part in improving the health of our children’s future. Clear and concise instructions allow users to initiation and implement the goals of this admirable organization. This website is an exceptional online tool for educators nationwide.

Be sure to visit our Fun Activities for Kids with the Super Crew®, which provide free printable learning activities for home and in the classroom.


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About the Author

Picture of Kathleen M. Raysinger, RD, LDN

Kathleen M. Raysinger, RD, LDN

Kathleen is a Registered Dietitian in the greater Philadelphia area. She currently works in clinical nutrition and is pursuing a graduate degree in Nutrition Education.

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