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Explore nutrition tips, kids’ meal plans, kids’ activities, recipes and more from pediatric nutritionist, Melissa Halas, MA, RDN, CDE.

Get Active

Moving your body helps you think more clearly, play longer and feel better! It also reduces cancer risk. Here are cool ideas for getting physically active every day. Read or download these PDFs below.


Overview: Get Active

Recipe: Blueberry Blast Smoothie Recipe

Activity: Fitness Tracker

Lesson Plan: Physical Activity Lesson Plan

Cooking Tips: Cooking Tips Guide

Safety Tips: Safety Tips Guide

Overview: Get Active

Recipe: Blueberry Blast Smoothie Recipe

Activity: Fitness Tracker

Lesson Plan: Physical Activity Lesson Plan

Cooking Tips: Cooking Tips Guide

Safety Tips: Safety Tips Guide

Check out the Previous Tool Kit: Healthy Protein Muscle Builders
Check out the Next Tool Kit: Healthy Grocery Shopping

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