Explore nutrition tips, kids’ meal plans, kids’ activities, recipes and more from pediatric nutritionist, Melissa Halas, MA, RDN, CDE.

Fun Food Activities with ChooseMyPlate

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Fun Food Activities with ChooseMyPlate

Finding ways to get active in the kitchen with your kids can be easy and fun for the whole family!

Food-focused activities are a great way to spend time with your kids in the kitchen. These tasty snacks or mini-meals can either be made at home or in after-school cooking programs. Use this time not only to do fun food activities with your kids or students but to get them interested in cooking and teach a lesson on good nutrition. Have kids guess which food group each of the ingredients fits into using ChooseMyPlate and why that group is important. First, let’s take a look at each group and why they’re important.

The MyPlate Food Groups:

healthy meals and snacks with choose myplate



A great source of energy to fuel sports, swimming, or playing outside with friends. Whole grains contain fiber which helps keep your heart healthy and digestion moving along. Examples of whole grains include brown rice, whole wheat bread, wheat pasta and ancient grains like quinoa, farro, or buckwheat.


The building blocks for bones and muscles. Protein helps keep your muscles strong and healthy to play sports and be active. Protein can come from animals and plants. Examples include beans, (like these pinto bean burgers), chicken, turkey, fish, beef, soy like tofu, and nuts.


This colorful family has many essential vitamins and minerals that help keep you from getting sick, keep your heart healthy, heal cuts and wounds, and keep teeth strong and cavity-free. Some favorite fruits are mango, apple, peach, berries, pear, banana, kiwi, and watermelon.


They are filled with vitamins, minerals, and fiber to keep your body full after you eat and help make it easier for you to go to the bathroom. Vegetables also keep your eyes and skin healthy and protect you from getting sick. Examples include broccoli, carrots, green beans, tomatoes, peppers, kale, and eggplant.


MOOve over juice! Dairy contains calcium used for building strong bones and teeth. The dairy family includes yogurt, cheese, and milk.

For more information about MyPlate and the food groups, please visit https://www.choosemyplate.gov/eathealthy/WhatIsMyPlate. Get the kiddos and try these simple recipes to help teach them about each food group!

Featured Recipes


Fill up with Fru-shi. It’s a unique way to include fruit in a wrap, and is kid-approved! It includes the fruit food group, grains, and dairy.

Fruit & Veggie Butterfly

Try making this fun and creative fruit and veggie butterfly. Food groups include fruit group, vegetable group, grain group, and dairy group. Here is the recipe to get started!

Sweet Potato Nachos

These are a unique spin to your typical nachos that are still loaded with flavor but packed with more nutrients. Food groups include protein, fruits, and vegetables. See the full recipe here.

sweet potato nacho collage with toppings







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