Explore nutrition tips, kids’ meal plans, kids’ activities, recipes and more from pediatric nutritionist, Melissa Halas, MA, RDN, CDE.


Explore dietitian tips for kids meals and snacks, nutrition by age, special diets, family fitness, and more.

Healthy Living Tips

Breakfast For Your Brain And Body

Learn how eating breakfast will get you through the day with more energy and can help prevent those feelings of hitting a slump. Have you

Are Breakfast and Lunch Really Brain Food?

Real Nutrition: Solid research has proven a significant relationship between what a child eats and his or her concentration, sleep, test result, memory, math, and verbal skills.

Kids at Play – The Many Benefits

Kids that play get to enjoy the many benefits of physical activity, and this can instill a lifetime of healthy habits for them and the

Fitness and Family

Keep Moving for You and Your Children

Need a reminder of why your family benefits from daily exercise? Read on! I am greatly impressed by the number of parents who are athletes

Mom and child learning how to garden
Healthy Living Tips

Joe Lamp’l – Joe The Gardener

SuperKids Nutrition spoke with the seasoned gardener and television garden host, Joe Lamp’l, the Joe behind “joe gardener“®. We spoke with him about his garden philosophy,

Fitness and Family

Ideas For An Active Lifestyle

Daily activity is part of a healthy lifestyle for any family. For children age 4-6 who are mastering basic movement skills such as catching, rolling,