Explore nutrition tips, kids’ meal plans, kids’ activities, recipes and more from pediatric nutritionist, Melissa Halas, MA, RDN, CDE.


Explore dietitian tips for kids meals and snacks, nutrition by age, special diets, family fitness, and more.

Healthy Living Tips

Healthy Breakfast on the Go

Did you know that kids who eat breakfast typically do better at school and have an easier time maintaining a healthy weight? We’ve all heard

healthy grocery shopping
Healthy Living Tips

Practice Smart, Savvy Grocery Shopping

Here are some simple tips to help you shop smart and eat healthy, all while saving money! With skyrocketing food costs, it’s hard to think about spending

Healthy Living Tips

Grab-n-Go Snacks for Toddlers

Learn new quick, tasty, and healthy grab-n-go snacks for your toddler that you can prepare in minutes! Dozens of snacks marketed for toddlers are available at

How to get your kids to cook
Healthy Living Tips

Getting Active with Kids in the Kitchen

There are many ways to help prevent your child from becoming overweight and teaching them how to cook in the kitchen is just one fun way!

Healthy Living Tips

Fun and Tasty Ways to Add Fiber

High fiber foods can be very accessible and tasty! Some examples are listed below: Choose whole-grain cereals for meals and snacks. Give brown rice a