Explore nutrition tips, kids’ meal plans, kids’ activities, recipes and more from pediatric nutritionist, Melissa Halas, MA, RDN, CDE.


Explore dietitian tips for kids meals and snacks, nutrition by age, special diets, family fitness, and more.

Healthy Living Tips

Back to School: Packing a Healthy Lunch

Packing a healthy lunch for your kids with the nutrients and energy they need to focus and do their best at school doesn’t have to

School Age Kids

What’s All the Fuss About School Lunch?

Most kids who eat lunch at school participate in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP).  According to recently released statistics, the NSLP served over 31 million

Healthy Living Tips

Food Safety 101: Keeping Bagged Lunches Safe

When packing lunch for school, it’s important to keep food safety in mind! Finding healthy and creative lunch ideas is a challenge in itself, but don’t

Nutrition By Age

How To Help Your Child Choose Foods Wisely

“By modeling healthy living for a youngster, adults not only improve their own personal wellness, but help set the stage for the whole family’s lifestyle