Explore nutrition tips, kids’ meal plans, kids’ activities, recipes and more from pediatric nutritionist, Melissa Halas, MA, RDN, CDE.


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Children's Book Corner

Growing Vegetable Soup

by Lois Ehlert Having trouble getting your child to eat veggies? Then this is the book for you. “Growing Vegetable Soup” is a child’s impressive first lesson

Children's Book Corner

How Groundhog’s Garden Grew

by Lynne Cherry The colorful illustrations throughout the book are detailed and enjoyable while the story is entertaining and fun. The main characters of the book are

Children's Book Corner

Gregory, the Terrible Eater

Story by: Mitchell Sharmat Do you have a picky eater at home? Well here is a story that explores how everyone (in this case, a

Children's Book Corner

Green Eggs and Ham

Story by Dr. Seuss A classic from Dr. Seuss, this comical story focuses on an unnamed character who is being coaxed by Sam-I-am to try

Children's Book Corner

Fannie in the Kitchen

Story by Deborah Hopkinson Best for readers aged 4-9, this whimsical book is a great read for any child who has an interest in helping

Children's Book Corner

Eat Your Peas

Story by Kes Gray This fantastically colorful book depicts a dinnertime battle between a girl named Daisy and her mom. If there’s one thing Daisy

Children's Book Corner

Eating the Alphabet

By Lois Ehlert If you have young children, you are probably very familiar with Lois Ehlert’s vibrant, colorful books, such as Color Farm, and Color

Children's Book Corner

Eat Healthy, Feel Great

by W. Sears, M. Sears, and C.W. Kelly The book begins with a section for parents and caregivers explaining that it is designed to conform

Children's Book Corner

Do You Want To Play Catch?

This hardback book features colorful illustrations on each page and highlights the author’s fond childhood memories surrounding the question that made him the man he