Explore nutrition tips, kids’ meal plans, kids’ activities, recipes and more from pediatric nutritionist, Melissa Halas, MA, RDN, CDE.


Explore dietitian tips for kids meals and snacks, nutrition by age, special diets, family fitness, and more.


https://www.kidshealth.org/kid/stay_healthy/index.html Summary Provides doctor-approved health information about children from before birth through adolescence including articles on healthy living written for kids. Details KidsHealth provides families

Indiana Department of Education

Media Smart Youth Summary After school program that utilizes youth to promote healthy activity and eating pattern strategies. Ten lesson curriculums also included. Details The

Illinois Nutrition Education Resource

Website: www.kidseatwell.org Summary: Healthy eating and activity articles and activities provided by teachers and RDs for K-12 educators. Details: This site provides classroom articles and activities for

HotChalk, Inc

https://www.hotchalk.com/ Summary: Database of activities with a variety of approaches to teaching healthy activity and nutrition patterns. Details: This website consists of many lesson plans

Action for Healthy Kids

www.actionforhealthykids.org Summary: A website based on a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the health of children nationwide. Description: The website www.actionforhealthykids.org was designed as an

YMCA Healthy Family Home

YMCA Healthy Family Home Summary: A website designed to encourage healthy lifestyle habits for the entire family. Details: The YMCA Healthy Family Home website is

Education World

www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/lesson/lesson054.shtml Summary: Interactive, multi-subject extension activities. Details: This website offers individual classroom activities that can be implemented as a supplement to a variety of subjects. Grade levels are

Dole 5 A Day

https://www.dole.com/superkids/ Summary: A comprehensive tool that promotes eating 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables per day for students K-5. Details: Dole provides classroom resources designed

Dairy Council of California School Curriculum

If you’re looking for school curriculum, the Dairy Council of California has excellent materials for K-8. Here’s more about them. The materials provided by the