Explore nutrition tips, kids’ meal plans, kids’ activities, recipes and more from pediatric nutritionist, Melissa Halas, MA, RDN, CDE.


Explore dietitian tips for kids meals and snacks, nutrition by age, special diets, family fitness, and more.

goal setting process - believe in yourself, all the stages of human condition to success
Fitness and Family

KISS Nutrition – Keep It Super Simple

The title says it all! When coming up with health and nutrition goals, focus on one nutrition or lifestyle concern at a time. Nutrition and lifestyle goals

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Fitness and Family

Secrets of Goal Setting for Kids and Adults

Learn new secrets to goal setting for kids and adults to help everyone in your family have a successful New Year! After a particularly challenging

Healthy eating for families starring the super crew from superkidsnutrition.com
Children's Book Corner

Book Review: Healthy Eating for Families

This engaging and colorful book is a wonderful way to introduce your children to the power of plant-forward eating. Book Author: Melissa Halas, MA, RDN,

when good fruit goes bad book cover for children's book
Children's Book Corner

When Good Fruit Goes Bad: Book Review

This whimsical book will teach your children about minimizing food waste through delicious solutions to overripe fruit! By Vernon D. Gibbs and Steven T. Gray

Open pomegrante shows seeds on top of a pile pomegranates
Healthy Living Tips

Pomegranate Benefits: The Antioxidant Powerhouse

Learn more about the sweet pomegranate benefits that can help protect your heart, memory, and bones, with tips and recipe ideas! Punica granatum, commonly known

soy is safe and healthy for kids
Special Diets

Is Soy Safe for Kids?

Yes, soy is safe for kids and can be part of a healthy balanced diet for boys, girls, and families!  Soy, along with a variety