Explore nutrition tips, kids’ meal plans, kids’ activities, recipes and more from pediatric nutritionist, Melissa Halas, MA, RDN, CDE.


Explore dietitian tips for kids meals and snacks, nutrition by age, special diets, family fitness, and more.

Healthy Living Tips

Surprisingly Sneaky New Forms of Marketing

Do you know what’s influencing your kids’ beverage choices! You may be surprised to find out about the techniques they are using to reach your

Parents' Book Corner

The Vegetarian Flavor Bible

Recipes are great for gathering inspiration, but what if a book worked with your unique taste preferences and allowed you to develop your own distinct

Parents' Book Corner

Feeding Baby

SuperKid’s Nutrition recently chatted with cookbook author Clancy Cash Harrison, MS, RD, LDN about her new book about feeding baby. This post contains affiliate links. As

Tools & Resources

Brave Rooney and the Super-Sized Superheroes

Written by Gerry Renert Rooney is the only regular kid at Captain Majestic Memorial School where everyone else is a superhero. His favorite game is