Explore nutrition tips, kids’ meal plans, kids’ activities, recipes and more from pediatric nutritionist, Melissa Halas, MA, RDN, CDE.


Explore dietitian tips for kids meals and snacks, nutrition by age, special diets, family fitness, and more.

Fruits and Vegetables

The Secret of Sneaking in Vegetables

What if you could get more vegetable servings into your kids’ diet -while still eating many of the foods you already enjoy? It is safe

Parents' Book Corner

Moms – Learn How to Feel Younger Next Week!

Are you stressed out? Struggling to balance work, family life, and kids? SuperKids Nutrition caught up with leading nutrition expert Elisa Zied, MS RD about

Parents' Book Corner

The Greek Yogurt Kitchen

Greek yogurt emerged on the culinary scene a few years ago and is now a staple in many American kitchens. This post contains affiliate links.

homework play everyday exercise and kids
Fitness and Family

HOMEWORK: Play Every Day

There is no doubt that what we eat affects our weight, but what about physical activity? Here are tips for kids fitness. Children and adults

Fitness and Family

Fitting Exercise into Your Family’s Schedule

Learn how to improve your family’s fitness by adopting new habits below! Over the past twenty years, overweight amongst children and teens has doubled. Furthermore,

Nutrition and Weight

Sugary Drink Advertising to Kids

Sugary drink marketing to youth has made some progress but there remains much room for improvement.  Food Advertising to Children and Teens (f.a.c.t.s) The research