Explore nutrition tips, kids’ meal plans, kids’ activities, recipes and more from pediatric nutritionist, Melissa Halas, MA, RDN, CDE.


Explore dietitian tips for kids meals and snacks, nutrition by age, special diets, family fitness, and more.

how to start a family garden
Health Expert Interviews

Sheri Zidenberg – Cherr, Ph.D

Learn what we found out from nutrition educator Sheri Zidenberg about the benefits of a school garden and the resources you can use to put a

Printable Coloring Pages for Kids

Download and print our free Super Crew Kids coloring pages below. Fun for all ages with a click of a button. Select from the following

Healthy Living Tips

Making Healthy Dips with the Kids

Getting kids to eat their vegetables can be hard, but getting enough veggies, and especially green veggies, is extremely important for fighting disease, and overall

non-exercise activity thermogenesis
Nutrition and Weight

Turn Your NEAT On

What happens when we move our bodies a bit more throughout the day? Read what Dr. James Levine has found with his research and how

Nutrition and Weight

An Overweight Child is a Family Affair

Learn how to keep it positive and keep the focus on how the family is going to make healthier choices, rather than on body weight.

Nutrition By Age

Intuitive Eating: 10 Tips for Your Teen

Teenage years are a crucial time to cement positive eating habits. Help your teen eat with intuition by practicing the following tips. As a younger

Healthy Living Tips

The Lost Art of Cooking

Cooking seems like a task that we are all “supposed to do”, but many people don’t know why or how to start. Here are 5