Explore nutrition tips, kids’ meal plans, kids’ activities, recipes and more from pediatric nutritionist, Melissa Halas, MA, RDN, CDE.


Explore dietitian tips for kids meals and snacks, nutrition by age, special diets, family fitness, and more.

Nutrition By Age

How to Problem-Solve “Food Fights”

Planning and cooking a nutritionally balanced meal can seem futile if you have picky eaters. Check out our solutions to the most common “food fights.”

Healthy Living Tips

Tasty & Healthy Barbecue

Barbecues can be packed with family fun, tasty, safe food with a little extra planning. Check out our healthy side dish ideas, and some important

Healthy Living Tips

Kids Consuming Alarming Amounts of Salt

Sodium intake is surprisingly high in most American’s kids’ diets. Here’s what you can do to cut down on excess salt.  Processed convenience foods and quick

fun out door activities for kids
Fitness and Family

Fun Outdoor Family Games of Yesteryear

Try these fun outdoor games with the family to go on a trip down memory lane and to make new memories with the whole family!

gestational diabetes healthy family
Nutrition By Age

So You Have Gestational Diabetes, Now What?

Not sure what first steps to take with a new Gestational diabetes diagnosis? We’ve got you covered.  New Gestational Diabetes Diagnosis Are you pregnant and

image of 2 year old pushing cart for sample menu for 2 year old - SuperKids Nutrition
Infants and Toddler Healthy Meal Plans

Sample Menu for a 2-Year-Old Child

This sample menu for a 2-year-old just made serving the right portions a whole lot easier. We’re taking the guesswork and stress out of meal

how to help prevent constipation in kids
Special Diets

Constipation in Kids

This is part 2 in our series focusing on childhood constipation and how our diet can help us find a sense of relief. For bowel-basics