Explore nutrition tips, kids’ meal plans, kids’ activities, recipes and more from pediatric nutritionist, Melissa Halas, MA, RDN, CDE.


Explore dietitian tips for kids meals and snacks, nutrition by age, special diets, family fitness, and more.

kiwifruit sungold eggnog with a small christmas tree and a snowman for a healthy holiday dessert
Healthy Living Tips

Healthy Holiday Desserts & Drinks

Change things up this year and add some new and healthy holiday desserts and drinks to the table to serve alongside your family’s traditional favorites.

Fruits and Vegetables

Foods Your Kids Will LOVE

Entice your kids to eat more fruit and veggies with these nutrition tips and tricks! This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, we

Nutrition and Weight

Ways Parents Can Cut Down on Sugar

Indulging in too many sugar-sweetened foods can have undesirable side effects such as dental cavities and weight gain, so learn ways to cut down on

how to choose dark chocolate
Healthy Living Tips

A Non-Guilty Pleasure – Chocolate!

Choosing the right chocolate when you enjoy dessert can be good for your heart and your taste buds! Chocolate. Say the word, and busy moms

easy ways to exercise
Fitness and Family

7 MORE Sly Ways to Sneak in More Exercise

Here are some easy ways for busy moms, dads or caretakers to fit in exercise and move more! You’ll be doing them out of habit

fun nutrition children books
Children's Book Corner

Havoc at the Hillside Market

If you’re in search of an adventure book with the Super Crew to learn about healthy foods you’re in the right place!    Book by