Explore nutrition tips, kids’ meal plans, kids’ activities, recipes and more from pediatric nutritionist, Melissa Halas, MA, RDN, CDE.


Explore dietitian tips for kids meals and snacks, nutrition by age, special diets, family fitness, and more.

Fitness and Family

Making Family Time Active

Try these new solutions to get active and move more with your family in fun ways that everyone will enjoy! Does it feel like everyone

daughter and son cooking with mom fruits
Healthy Living Tips

Healthy Eating for Kids: Simple Strategies

Trying new strategies for healthy eating for kids doesn’t have to be difficult! If you’re looking for some guidance, we have some answers! How have

Earth Day Activities for Kids
Healthy Living Tips

10 Fun And Easy Earth Day Activities for Kids

Celebrate our only planet on April 22nd by integrating some Earth-friendly kids’ food and healthy living practices into your daily routine. Don’t stop there; enjoy

planet-friendly kid activities for families
Healthy Living Tips

Planet Friendly Eating Activities

Read on to find out how you can foster sustainable living concepts with your kids and family! Sustainability is a topic that has been gaining

Kids eating environmentally friendly lunch at elementary school with trash free lunch box
Healthy Living Tips

Ten Easy Steps for a Trash-Free Lunch

Discover easy steps for a trash-free lunch box to reduce waste when packing school lunch and to be more earth-friendly! Making sure your child has

Photo of a smiling african american father and daughter baking in the kitchen and having fun.
Picky Eaters

Getting Kids to Eat What You Cook

Challenged with getting your kids to eat what you cook? You’re not alone! Here are some strategies that dietitians recommend.  I love this saying by

naturally gluten free foods
Special Diets

Where Do You Find Gluten in Food?

With gluten-free products, books, and diets running rampant in our society, it can be difficult to know the resources you can trust. Here’s what matters