Explore nutrition tips, kids’ meal plans, kids’ activities, recipes and more from pediatric nutritionist, Melissa Halas, MA, RDN, CDE.


Explore dietitian tips for kids meals and snacks, nutrition by age, special diets, family fitness, and more.

Healthy Living Tips

Best Kitchen Gadgets for Cooking with the Kids

Looking for kitchen gadgets for kids? If you’re just beginning to cook, or want to save time, these tools will make it much easier! Here’s a

Healthy Living Tips

Cooking with Kids – Helpful Tips!

Here are helpful tips for cooking with the kids. Yes, getting kids in the kitchen and excited about eating healthy is possible! Set realistic expectations

Peanut allergy. Conceptual image.
Special Diets

What if Peanuts Could Cure Peanut Allergies?

Imagine if there was something to help prevent your child’s life-threatening reaction to peanuts. New research may actually have a solution for peanut allergy desensitization.

black woman sitting with blue cooler at a camp site
Healthy Living Tips

Strategies for Summer Food Safety

Did you know that foodborne illnesses increase during the summer months? Take action now for your child’s food safety this summer. We tend to spend

Family Having Fun Stand Up Paddling Together in the Ocean on Beautiful Sunny Morning
Fitness and Family

5 Reasons to Get Your Family Moving This Summer

Summertime offers endless opportunities to get the family up and moving, so get your hearts pumping to reap these rewards of exercise. Whether the kids