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Oliver’s Fruit Salad

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Oliver's Fruit Salad

by Vivian French

Fruit is yummy! That is what Oliver, the main character, learns in this book. This book is about a little boy whose grandfather grows fruit. Oliver believes that his grandfather’s  fruit is the best; however, he will never eat any fruit. In the book, Oliver helps make a colorful fruit salad and through this experience Oliver finds that fruit is “YUMMY!” This book is colorfully illustrated and easy to read. It is a great way to get children to try new fruits. I recommend that parents and caregivers explain what each fruit is and where it is found  while reading the book. It would also be a great way to get them to try fruit, by having them make a fruit salad with you after reading the book.

After reading this book with your child:

  • Try some of the tasty fruits mentioned in the book.
  • Make fruit kabobs or add julienne sliced apples or pears to a green salad.
  • Take a trip to the grocery store and have your child pick out fruit to put into their own unique fruit salad combination.

Enjoy new ways to eat fruit with colorful meals and Fun with Fruit and Veggies.

Teacher’s Tip: Next time you have a class room party, request for a few parents to bring in one type of chopped fruit.  The kids can help mix the fruits together in smaller bowls to make fruit salad for the whole class to enjoy.  Oliver’s Fruit Salad. Vivian French. Orchard Books, New York:1998.

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About the Author

Picture of Jennifer Klotz, MS, RD

Jennifer Klotz, MS, RD

Jennifer is a Registered Dietitian with a Masters in Nutrition and Wellness. Jennifer believes in an integrative approach to nutrition, which emphasizes healing through food, natural medicine, and mind body approaches. Jennifer believes in taking a whole food approach, along with using vitamins, minerals, and herbals if needed to support your health journey. Jennifer works to identify the underlying cause(s) to chronic conditions or health road blocks to help the body to heal or rebalance.

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