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Growing Vegetable Soup

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Growing Vegetable Soup

by Lois Ehlert

Having trouble getting your child to eat veggies? Then this is the book for you. “Growing Vegetable Soup” is a child’s impressive first lesson in gardening, vegetable varieties, harvesting, cooking preparation, following a recipe, and nourishment.

Lois Ehlert’s elementary, labeled paintings in wildly vivid colors add to the magic. Her straight-forward directions make it all seem very easy. Your child will want to read it again and again to watch the garden grow before their eyes. Of course a recipe for vegetable soup is included at the end.

“Growing Vegetable Soup” will nourish your child’s artistic eye, mind and body. See if you can stir interest in gardening or cooking activities. For those of you accustomed to standard units, please note the following metric equivalents for use with the recipe.

25 mm = 1 inch
150 mm = 6 inches
1 1/2 Liters = 6 1/2 cups

Growing Vegetable Soup by Lois Ehlert. New York: Scholastic Press, 1987.

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About the Author

Picture of Catherine Frederico, MS, RD, LDN

Catherine Frederico, MS, RD, LDN

Catherine is a registered dietitian and a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She holds bachelors and masters degrees in Foods & Nutrition, and has been recognized by her peers for her expertise in this field.

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