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Count on Pablo

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Story by Barbara deRubertis

Count on PabloPablo can’t wait to go with his abuela to the farmer’s market for the very first time! Join him as he washes limes, sorts cilantro, and puts onions into pairs, to help sell her them to happy customers. With simple math concepts naturally interwoven into a cute story, this little book is a great way to show children how food starts in the ground, gets picked, sorted, washed, and sold at a market. At the end there is even a simple salsa recipe that you can make at home, along with a few fun math activities that you can do with your children. Best for K-2nd grade readers, this would be a great read before heading to the grocery store or your local farmer’s market!

After reading this book with your child:

  • Take your child to the grocery store or farmer’s market and have them count the number of fruits and veggies that you buy
  • Start a small backyard garden
  • Make a batch of salsa, based on the recipe in the book. Let your child help you put the pieces of tomato and onion into a bowl and stir it all up!
  • Help your child use the counting chart in the back of the book to practice their math skills


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About the Author

Picture of Rachel Blaine, DSc, MPH, RD

Rachel Blaine, DSc, MPH, RD

Dr. Rachel Blaine, is a registered dietitian nutritionist and nutrition professor at California State University, Long Beach whose research focuses on child feeding etc. She received her doctorate at the Harvard School of Public Health. She has years of experience supervising community health programs, freelance writing, conducting research, and developing nutrition educational materials and curricula. When she’s not working, Rachel loves experimenting in the kitchen with her family, and being active in her church and community.

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