Learn to identify healthy serving sizes and nutrient-dense foods to lose weight and eat a balanced diet with these diet-free weight loss tips.
However, for many people, knowledge is not enough to motivate behavior change. How can we move from knowing what we should be doing to actually doing it? The key is in focusing on one’s belief system and creating a deeper connection to the peace within.
Steps for Mindful Eating
One way to begin this process is to practice mindfulness, a moment-to-moment awareness without judgment. Mindful eating is an excellent way to practice this non-judgmental awareness.
- Start by eating one meal each day without any distractions; No TV, reading, or multitasking of any kind.
- Eat the meal with your complete attention and without labeling the meal as either good or bad. Simply experience the foods and take note of how you feel internally (mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually) in relation to each bite.
- Be aware of any resistances you may have and feel those too. If, or when, the internal dialogue begins “I shouldn’t be eating this,” “This is bad,” “I’m so bad,” “I’m doing great,” “I’m eating lettuce,” let the thoughts go and return your attention to your inner experience. As long you stay with your internal feelings you will eat only as much as you need. If you find you’ve eaten more than your body needs, that’s okay, too, take the time to experience how that feels without passing any judgment.
- If there is any rebellion against this process or the little child in you comes out declaring “I want what I want, and I want it now!” be present to that feeling as you would with a small child. Have compassion for it. Discover what is underneath those behaviors and then redefine those belief systems.
- Write it down. Journaling is also a good method to process reactions, feelings, beliefs, and experiences that may arise.
Be patient and kind to yourself. This is a process. As you continue to practice being mindful of your eating, you will cultivate a deeper awareness and presence with all your interactions and in feeling the peace within. Try teaching your kids about eating with awareness with these top 10 Tips on Mindful Eating Steps and these Intuitive Eating Tips for Teens
Gain knowledge on how to choose the most natural and healthful foods for you and your family with Organic and Local Foods.