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Explore nutrition tips, kids’ meal plans, kids’ activities, recipes and more from pediatric nutritionist, Melissa Halas, MA, RDN, CDE.

SuperKids Nutrition

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SuperKids Nutrition

Posts by the Author

Health Expert Interviews

Norma Stewart MEd, RD

We caught up with nutrition expert, Norma Stewart MEd, RD and author of Breakfast with Martians to get her insights on eating healthy in a busy

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Health Expert Interviews

Jo-Ann Heslin, MA, CDN, RD

We caught up with nutrition expert and Registered Dietitian, Jo-Ann Heslin, MA, CDN, RD who has sold over 7 million books on nutrition to hear her take

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Jill Jayne

Learn about Rockstar Nutritionist Jill Jayne and how she’s impacted kids’ nutrition! We caught up with Rockstar Nutritionist Jill Jayne and the creator of the

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Health Expert Interviews

Dianne Fagan, RD, CDN

We caught up with nutrition expert Dianne Fagan, RD, CDN, who practices in New York focusing on children, teens and the issues they face when

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healthy breakfast cereal with banana and blueberry
Parents' Book Corner

Nutrition At Your Fingertips

Nutrition At Your Fingertips by Elisa Zied is an appropriately titled guidebook for all things nutrition. Alternating between text, bullets, useful tables, and diagrams, its

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Feed Your Family Right!

We were lucky to catch up with Registered Dietitian Elisa Zied to discuss her book Feed Your Family Right! and get her insight on getting

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