Explore nutrition tips, kids’ meal plans, kids’ activities, recipes and more from pediatric nutritionist, Melissa Halas, MA, RDN, CDE.

Laura Walsh, RD, LDN

About the Author

Picture of Laura Walsh, RD, LDN

Laura Walsh, RD, LDN

Laura Registered and Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist and an ACE-Certified Personal Trainer. She founded Walsh Nutrition Group, Inc., in 1999, a consulting firm for some of the biggest names in the food industry. Laura started her career in the test kitchens of The Pampered Chef working as a Certified Home Economist developing recipes and cookbooks. She then gained additional experience as a Registered Dietitian at The American Dietetic Association. A transition to the USDA School Meal Programs further developed her menu planning and nutrient analysis skills as she worked to improve the nutritional quality of school meals. She also taught nutrition at the Cooking and Hospitality Institute of Chicago to future chefs.

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