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Jana Greene Hand, MS, RD

About the Author

Picture of Jana Greene Hand, MS, RD

Jana Greene Hand, MS, RD

Jana is a Registered Dietitian recognized for her expertise in nutrition counseling for adults, children and adolescents with a variety of nutrition needs and medical conditions. Jana’s approach is highly individualized, focusing on how to best educate and motivate people to take control of their nutrition given their situation. She loves helping empower her patients to change their lives through eating and living well.

Posts by the Author

Special Diets

A Life of Joy, Free of Soy!

Allergy and intolerance to soybeans is one of the more common food allergies, especially among babies and young children. If your infant or child gets an

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Children's Book Corner

Do You Want To Play Catch?

This hardback book features colorful illustrations on each page and highlights the author’s fond childhood memories surrounding the question that made him the man he

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