Explore nutrition tips, kids’ meal plans, kids’ activities, recipes and more from pediatric nutritionist, Melissa Halas, MA, RDN, CDE.

Nutrition Explorations

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Summary: Education materials for school and home using relatable characters for PreK to upper elementary students.

Details: This site has an extensive resource collection ranging from PreK to upper elementary levels. A unique feature about this website is that the curriculum includes relatable characters such as the Arianna and Little D. Little D takes the students back in time to learn about healthy food choices and an active lifestyle, while Arianna, the action hero, takes the students through different lands to discover the importance of health and activity. Many lessons offer “home connections” with activities that can be extended beyond the classroom and into the home. Overall, these lessons are fun and engaging for the kids. Additional classroom suggestions, monthly themes, classroom contests, and nutrition news can be located here.

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About the Author

Picture of Solange Bushra Wasef, MS, RD

Solange Bushra Wasef, MS, RD

Solange Bushra Wasef, MS, RD is a registered dietitian and professor in the greater Los Angeles area. She is currently an Assistant Professor at Palomar College. Solange also has experience in nutrition writing, authoring presentations, creating weight-loss curriculum, weight counseling, and nutrition outreach through meal delivery programs for the homebound. Prior to teaching nutrition at the college level, she taught language arts and math to high school students.

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