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Dole 5 A Day

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Summary: A comprehensive tool that promotes eating 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables per day for students K-5.

Details: Dole provides classroom resources designed to provide “Everything you need to get your students excited about eating fruits and vegetables.” Downloadable fitness and “5 A Day” tracking worksheets are designed to motivate and encourage students to increase activity and fruit/vegetable consumption. It documents details on how to implement healthy snacking behavioral change. Other resources include a tool kit with instructions for creating active nutrition adventures at the school. It includes a “kids section” and a bilingual section.

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About the Author

Picture of Solange Bushra Wasef, MS, RD

Solange Bushra Wasef, MS, RD

Solange Bushra Wasef, MS, RD is a registered dietitian and professor in the greater Los Angeles area. She is currently an Assistant Professor at Palomar College. Solange also has experience in nutrition writing, authoring presentations, creating weight-loss curriculum, weight counseling, and nutrition outreach through meal delivery programs for the homebound. Prior to teaching nutrition at the college level, she taught language arts and math to high school students.

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